
Behind Closed Curtains

November 8, 2018

Isn’t it funny how we are always worried about what’s going on behind other people’s closed doors? Keeping an eye on our neighbours, gossiping about people in the office that we barely know and sharing our opinion on who loves who. A friend of mine was prancing around naked in his condo and hadn’t realized that the window washers were coming by that day… I bet they cared what was going on behind his closed door.  

For my bedroom decor, instead of a curtain I have a lace-like fabric hung from my window. I chose not to have a curtain for a few reasons:  

  1. I hoped the natural light would wake me up earlier 
  2. I thought it gave a chic, boho look
  3. When I purchased it, I thought it was a curtain

In reality, the light has no impact on my weekend sleep ins, I more so look like a broke University student with a sheet hung up rather than a career drive 20 something and clearly I was mistaken. 

Now at this time of the year, I simply cannot justify purchasing a curtain. It’s dark when I wake up, it’s dark when I go to bed and my bedroom is on the top floor so no one will be peaking at me in my fuzzy pyjamas.  

In Fly on the Wall, the fly on my pants was down. Today I was surprised the curtain didn’t fall down. 

One afternoon, a resident had come out into the hallway in tears, screaming that she needed helped. It honestly sounded like she had sliced her hand open, but the real catastrophe was that she was unable to open her curtains. 

When I went to assist her, it seemed that the curtain wand was stuck. With my gentle touch, I began wiggling the wand and the curtains slowly opened. It was not ideal, but I turned to the resident and exclaimed, “look it’s opening! You just need to wiggle it a wee bit.”

I guess my gentle touch was not so gentle because as I was demonstrating the movement, the wand completely broke off. 

I tried to cover up my mishap by tugging on the fabric, which moved even easier without the wand. 

I asked her to try and she was very pleased with how smooth it glided on the rod. She never noticed that there was no longer a wand hanging there…

Who knew that something I would break, would make life easier for another.

I have asked maintenance to secure it back on, but why fix something that’s not technically broken, but new and improved?



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Hey there. I’m Rachelle. I’m a Saskatchewan girl living in an Albertan world. I enjoy the simple things in life like all you can eat sushi, that spiral brush on my eyebrows and freshly vacuumed carpet. I’m a Recreation Therapist and my day is about as predictable as my curls. The people I’ve had the pleasure of working with and my own clumsiness has resulted in some pretty entertaining stories. This blog is simply a place to share those stories and hopefully bring a smile to your face too.

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 Rachelle Forster and The Wreck in Recreation blog, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rachelle Forster and The Wreck in Recreation with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.