
Beauty Hacks

May 10, 2018

Health and beauty tips can be misleading. Especially when majority of them are bogus such as: adventure outside with wet hair and you’ll catch a cold, shave and your hair will grow back thicker and don’t even think about tweezing above your brow. I do all of the above and am still healthy as a horse with smooth legs (sometimes..often..rarely) and bushy eyebrows.

There are some great at home beauty remedies that work well such as: using a dryer sheet to help with static hair, coconut oil as a moisturizer and baby powder to hide greasy hair. 

And some that are simply myths such as: toothpaste on cold sores, beer in your hair makes it thicker and shinier (who would ever waste beer on their hair?), and coca butter helps with stretch marks.

Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet people. Wait…

One health tip that is a guarantee is washing you hands will kill germs. Unless you miss the hands all together…

In Boom Goes the Egg, egg went everywhere. Today, hand sanitizer went everywhere.

In February we experienced a drawn out Norovirous Outbreak. So we are hoping to never experience one again…if you work in a health care facility, you know how funny of a joke that is.  

To help prevent the spread of germs, while serving coffee each morning, I carry around a bottle of hand sanitizer to squirt everyone’s hands before breakfast. 

It is incredible how many people do not want to sanitize his/her hands. People are so offended by it making statements such as, “My hands are not dirty” or asking, “what are you implying?” Some will lie and say they already used hand sanitizer and others will simply refuse to pry his/her hands apart. 

This morning I had already served everyone coffee before it dawned on me that I had not passed around the hand sanitizer. So I quickly grabbed the almost empty bottle from the counter.

For the first resident, I pumped and pumped and pumped, with zero luck when all of a sudden the gel shot out of the bottle like Evil Knievel out of a cannon and landed all over his pants.I will refrain from stating inappropriate jokes, but it was the perfect location, perfect texture and perfect mistake.

I did not hold back my laughter and neither did he. I immediately apologized and grabbed napkins. Through his laughter he exclaimed, “how am I going to explain this to my wife?!”

Just tell her it’s the hip new way to wash your pants.



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Hey there. I’m Rachelle. I’m a Saskatchewan girl living in an Albertan world. I enjoy the simple things in life like all you can eat sushi, that spiral brush on my eyebrows and freshly vacuumed carpet. I’m a Recreation Therapist and my day is about as predictable as my curls. The people I’ve had the pleasure of working with and my own clumsiness has resulted in some pretty entertaining stories. This blog is simply a place to share those stories and hopefully bring a smile to your face too.

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 Rachelle Forster and The Wreck in Recreation blog, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rachelle Forster and The Wreck in Recreation with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.